Episode 21 This interview is with Jason Barron- This week we had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing Jason Barron, winner of the 2009 John Beargrease race. Listen in as Jason describes the John Beargrease Race and what it takes to win in todays mid- distance races. We also hear a “hold on to your seats”, thriller story of he and his soon to be wife’s adventures on a glacer in the Iditarod. Well, I guess I should really say Harmony’s thriller ride on the glacer and what you never want to have to see! Visit Jason and Harmony’s Web site at www.kanabearenterprises.com
Sled Dog Podcast
Episode 21 - “A Bear to Contend With!” - Interview with Jason Barron
Episode 20 This interview is with Egil Ellis- Join us as we get to know a renowned sprint musher and learn about his journey from Sweden to Alaska. With humble scandinavian beginnings, Egil and his wife Helen have built up an amazing kennel and track record. Their dogs are all over the world. Sprint racing took on some real speed when the pointer crosses hit the circuit and this kennel had a lot to do with it! Enjoy the ride and hold on! Visit Egil’s Web site atwww.egilellis.com
Thank you Sherry and Russ from Mancelona Michigan for a wonder Full Moon Fall Fling Event. Looking forward to 2009! www.russ-stickacres.com/
No vet tip this week, but listen to some Special Live Kennel Tips.
Sled Dog Podcast
Episode 20 - “Pointer Power” - Interview with Egil Ellis
Episode 19 This interview is with Ken Anderson and Gwen Holdmann- If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to live in the middle of no-where, have 85 dogs, and race with your best friend, then you have got to listen to this interview. Listen as Ken and Gwen share heart felt stories and details about their life long adventures in the wilds of Alaska. This interview covers the past, present and future plans for Ken and Gwen. Wait till you hear what is about to rock their world. Congratulations Gwen and Ken. Please visit their site and get a copy of Ken’s Journals. www.windycreekkennel.com
Special Vet Tips – 5 Minutes with Dr. Tim Hunt. Dr. Tim has provided us with a special Tip of the week: Sprint or Longdistance Dogs. Each episode, Dr. Tim will give us a vet tip to help us raise healthy and strong racing dogs. Thank you Dr. Tim from www.drtims.com
Sled Dog Podcast
Episode 19 - “The Trail Less Traveled” - Interview with Ken Anderson & Gwen Holdmann
Episode 18 This interview is with renowned Sprint Musher Buddy Streeper – If you’re a sprint musher or interested at all in sprint mushing, you have got to listen to this interview. Dedication, hard work, focus, and determination are a few words to describe Buddy and his family. Buddy’s passion for the sport and his desire to win comes through loud and clear as we talk to him about his race schedule and his mushing lifestyle. Buddy’s not just about winning though, he’s also about family and the love for helping others in the sport. Listen in as Buddy describes how he and his father travel for a 100 days a year on the race circuit.
Special Vet Tips – 5 Minutes with Dr. Tim Hunt. Dr. Tim has provided us with a special Tip of the week: Behavioral Issues. Each episode, Dr. Tim will give us a vet tip to help us raise healthy and strong racing dogs. Thank you Dr. Tim from www.drtims.com
Sled Dog Podcast
Episode 18 - “100 Days" - Interview with Buddy Streeper
Episode 17 This is a Special Tribute Interview with Legendary Sprint Musher George Attla – We had the pleasure of interviewing one of the most successful sprint mushers of the sport. George’s adventures over the last 50 years have been legendary and clearly to this point, unbeatable. Listen to the history of this Athabascan native recall his life and expound on the differences in racing “back then”, verses today. Catch his humor, compassion, and insight and enjoy this chance to learn about one of dog sledding’s greatest competitors. Photo Courtesy of Kraig Haver Photography
Special Vet Tips – 5 Minutes with Dr. Tim Hunt. Dr. Tim has provided us with a special Tip of the week: Summer Care. Each episode, Dr. Tim will give us a vet tip to help us raise healthy and strong racing dogs. Thank you Dr. Tim from www.drtims.com
Sled Dog Podcast
Episode 17 - “No Regrets” - A Special Tribute to Legendary Sprint Musher George Attla
Episode 16 Hear an Interview with Jessica Klejka as she describes this year’s Jr. Iditarod- This year turned out to be a photo finish year for the Jr. Iditarod. In this interview, Jessica tells us how she prepared and won this years 150 mile race. It wasn’t easy; it wasn’t a piece of cake, but it sure was fun. Listen in as Jessica describes the race, the challenges, and what it was like to be first across the finish line. I know you’re going to love this interview. It is filled with awesome stories and inspirational messages about Jessica and her family’s journey into the Jr. Iditarod’s history books.
Sled Dog Podcast
Episode 16 - “1 Second to Spare!” - Hear an Interview with Jessica Klejka about this year's Jr. Iditarod
Episode 15 Hear an Interview with Joe Runyan as he gets ready to run this year’s Iditarod- This year’s Iditarod has a surprise musher: Joe Runyan. That’s right, he’s back on a dog sled. Joe shares with us what led him to get back on his sled and run Iditarod 36. With stories, ideas and plans for the future, Joe covers what is happening with he and his Iditarod racing partner, Rachael Scdoris. Listen in as Joe details the chain of events that has brought him to the Greatest Race on Earth…again.
Special Vet Tips – 5 Minutes with Dr. Tim Hunt. Dr. Tim has provided us with a special Tip of the week: Stress Diarrhea. Each episode, Dr. Tim will give us a vet tip to help us raise healthy and strong racing dogs. Thank you Dr. Tim from www.drtims.com
Sled Dog Podcast
Episode 15 - "Back on the Dog Sled” - Hear an Interview with Joe Runyan about this years Iditarod
Episode 13 –Hear an Interview with Frank Turner – Yukon Quest Veteran and Owner of Muktuk Adventures. This interview with Frank Turner is geared around dog sledding and the Yukon Quest. Frank talks about the course, the challenges, and the incredible adventures the Quest offers. Join us as we listen to the riveting climax as Frank and the Yukon Quest Racers overcome the awesome obstacles and natures best challenges. This interview is filled with deeper meaning and is a must listen for every strong willed, adventurous musher. You’ll never look at dog sledding the same way again. http://www.muktuk.com/
Special Vet Tips – 5 Minutes with Dr. Tim Hunt. Dr. Tim has provided us with a special Tip of the week: Doggie Dental Care . Each episode, Dr. Tim will give us a vet tip to help us raise healthy and strong racing dogs. Thank you Dr. Tim from www.drtims.com
Sled Dog Podcast
Episode 13 - Everyone's Got an Eagle Summit - Hear an Interview with Frank Turner
Episode 12 –Hear an Interview with Lance Mackey – Iditarod & Yukon Quest Winner focuses on Promoting Alaska. This interview with Lance Mackey will inspire and suprise you! Big Time! Lance’s passion and focus has lead to his success and increasing dedication to winning races. This interview focuses on a mushers competitive spirit and how he has created a “Never Been Done” reality that will try many mushers skills. You are not going to believe the last few minutes of the interview. The interview with Lance twists and turn and then takes a hard 90 degree turn. If you don’t laugh out loud, I will be shocked. Write us and let us know what you think about Lance’s Spring Adventure that is coming up. http://www.mackeyscomebackkennel.com/
Special Vet Tips – 5 Minutes with Dr. Tim Hunt. Dr. Tim has provided us with a special Tip of the week: Kennel Options & Housing. Each episode, Dr. Tim will give us a vet tip to help us raise healthy and strong racing dogs. Thank you Dr. Tim from www.drtims.com
Sled Dog Podcast
Episode 12 - A Rising Tide Lifts all Boats!” - Hear an Interview with Lance Mackey
Episode 9 – Hear an Interview with Zack Steer of the Sheep Mountain Lodge and the Sheep Mountain 150-Musher, Lodge Owner, and Race General! This interview with Zack covers everything from the Sheep Mountain 150 to his placing 3rd in the 2007 Iditarod. Listen to stories as Zack tells us all about the 2007 twists and turns on the Greatest Race on Earth. We also ask Zack about the Sheep Mountain 150 and why it is so popular. Join us for a story of one family’s adventures in Alaska and how they are giving back to the mushing community. www.sheepmountain.com
Special Vet Tips – 5 Minutes with Dr. Tim Hunt. Dr. Tim has provided us with a special Tip of the week: Vaccinations. Each episode, Dr. Tim will give us a vet tip to help us raise healthy and strong racing dogs. Thank you Dr. Tim from www.drtims.com
Sled Dog Podcast
Episode 9 - “The Best Musher You Never Heard Of" - Hear an Interview with Zack Steer of the Sheep Mountain Lodge and the Sheep Mountain 150
Episode 8 – Hear an Interview with Greg Sellentin from Mushing Magazine –Successful publisher, and musher shares his adventure from Manhattan to Alaska! If you think you need to go through a lot to get your dogs trained, listen to the beginning trials of this musher! His love for the sport compelled him to bring us the magazine, which over 5000 mushing enthusiasts read monthly. Listen to Greg as he shares his beginnings in mushing and how he and his wife Jane pursured their ultimate dream of moving to Alaska and running Mushing Magazine. Greg’s whit and interesting perspective of the sport of dogsledding are a perfect for Alaska. Congratulations Greg and Jane. Please visit his site at www.mushing.com
Special Vet Tips – 5 Minutes with Dr. Tim Hunt. Dr. Tim has provided us with a special Tip of the week; Training a Lead Dog. Each episode, Dr. Tim will give us a vet tip to help us raise healthy and strong racing dogs. Thank you Dr. Tim from www.drtims.com
Sled Dog Podcast
Episode 8 - “Three Sibes in Manhattan.” - Hear an Interview with Greg Sellentin from Mushing Magazine
Episode 7 – Hear an Interview with Becky Himes –Seasoned, successful musher who enjoys the longer races like the CanAm race in Maine, the Beargrease, the Midnight Run in the U.P…but she didn’t start there! Becky takes us on her journey in dogsledding. The focus is the transition one goes through when they leave sprint racing, to mid-distance, and then eventually to long distance racing. We so enjoy Becky’s outlook and know that you will be inspired, especially if you are just itching run longer!
Special Vet Tips – 5 Minutes with Dr. Tim Hunt. Dr. Tim has provided us with a special Tip of the week; Older Dog Care. Each week Dr. Tim will give us a vet tip to help us raise healthy and strong racing dogs. Thank you Dr. Tim from www.drtims.com.
Episode 6 – Hear an Interview with Martin Buser – 4 time Iditarod Winner and about to accomplish his 25th Iditarod in 2008. This is an inspiring interview about one family’s life long dream and adventures around the World.
Martin tells us about his life as a champion musher and his inspiring life as a father and member of the community. This interview moved us to remember why we do what we do and to remember what are the more important things in life. Come join us in hearing this American tell about his adventures in dog sledding and in raising Buser men.
Martin takes us from Nome to the Cliffs of Europe in this twisty-turning tales of running and racing dogs. We hope you will reach out to Martin and let him know that you heard the interview, and stop by his place in Big Lake, Alaska to get a look at the wonderful kennel Martin and Kathy have put together. http://www.buserdog.com/
Special Vet Tips – 5 Minutes with Dr. Tim Hunt. Dr. Tim has provided us with a special Tip of the week; Injury Detection. Each week Dr. Tim will give us a vet tip to help us raise healthy and strong racing dogs. Thank you Dr. Tim from www.drtims.com.
Sled Dog Podcast
Episode 6 - “Dad, Musher, Champion, & Patriot.” - Hear an Interview with Martin Buser
Episode 5 – Hear an Interview with Jon Little- 5 time Iditarod Musher & Exclusive Writer for Cabela’s that covers the Iditarod. Jon tells of his fascinating career and exciting adventures covering the “The Last Great Race.” Listen as Jon teaches us how to manage a smaller but successful kennel and what it takes to stay competitive in the sport. From one dog Skijoring to Cabela’s Reporter, Jon shares his story and life in the great state of Alaska. Come join us in listening to Jon’s vivid descriptions of his race coverage and life as a journalist. Visit Jon’s site at http://kasilofkennel.bravehost.com/
Special Vet Tips – 5 Minutes with Dr. Tim Hunt. Dr, Tim is provided us with a special Tip of the week; Foot Care. Each week Dr. Tim will give us a vet tip to help us raise healthy, strong racing dogs. Thank you Dr. Tim from www.drtims.com.
Sled Dog Podcast
Episode 5 - “All I wanted was a cat.” - Hear an Interview with Jon Little
Episode 4 – Hear an Interview with Dee Dee Jonrowe – 25 time Iditarod Musher . Dee Dee teaches us how to set priorities and focus on what matters. Her inspiration and determination has carried her though 25 Iditarods and her personal strength and faith has carried her though tragedy and personal hardships. Follow her in this interview as she shares her heart and love for her family and dogs. www.deedeejonrowe.com Get her book – Iditarod Dreams
Sled Dog Podcast
Episode 4 - "It's all about the dogs!" - Hear an Interview with Dee Dee Jonrowe